Friday, August 31, 2018

Available on iTunes!

4 Color Fear has been reviewed and approved for publication by Apple Podcasts (iTunes). You can subscribe through iTunes by clicking on the gadget in the sidebar.

See ya,
Cast-Keeper Bob

Monday, August 27, 2018

Approved by Stitcher!

4 Color Fear has been reviewed and approved for publication by Stitcher.
You can listen by clicking on the Stitcher gadget in the sidebar. Still awaiting iTunes approval.

Cast-Keeper Bob

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Episode 0 - Intro and Goals

In this introductory episode, Cast-Keeper Bob tells you a little bit about himself (until he goes off on a tangent) and his goals and hopes for the podcast.


Friday, August 10, 2018

Announcing The 4 Color Fear Podcast!

Coming soon to a podcatcher near you: The 4 Color Fear Podcast!

Each episode, we'll open the "4CF Vault"; a dusty yet vast collection of horror mags spanning over 60 years! From the days before Fredric Wertham and the Comics Code Authority, when young innocent souls were being seduced to become juvenile delinquents; to the modern era, where morals and sensibilities have become so jaded and depraved that we find nothing shocking. Or do we???

We're still getting our vultures in a row and working out all of the tech stuff but hope to be on the airwaves soon!

See you then, if you dare...